

well i am definitely procrastinating on everything i need to get done before i leave tomorrow fro Qatar

i was looking through all the old photos on my external hard drive. i have hoarded all my digital photos there, probably from junior year of high school until today. there are so many memories separated across a lot of folders. some i would like to forget but many i would love to go back to.
so i pulled out a few and thought i would share with you!

these are the actual photos i submitted in my afo portfolio.
this seems like forever ago. i worked on this project all spring break in richmond at a friends apartment and i remember the weather was so beautiful and it was the first time i rode a bike in the city and we sat on the porch all day and worked.
this was my favorite project from studio. i think its in pieces at my parents house right now
(and i drank 22 bottles of soda)

(my aunt is so pretty in the photo)

senior year of high school.
we werent allowed to decorate our caps but whitney and i wanted to so we decorated felt that velcro'ed to our caps. we never got in trouble and i still have a whole bag of unicorn foam stickers and my cap.

afo freshman year. our studio teacher took us to a house at libbie and grove of a couple who were really big on collecting art. their walls were covered with the most amazing pieces.
it was beautiful.
i almost thought i lost all the photos i had of this event and i just found them i am so glad!

this is the most amazing photograph. i can never get it out of my head (sorry its sideways)

their stairwell wall was covered in black and whites

high school.
my dad got me this starbucks sign that was at the corner near uva. it was solid wood and so heavy i didnt know what else to do with it so i made it a table in my already cluttered room. how did i live like this?

beach senior year

high school me!

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