
My First Crush

I just saw this video last night. Although the idea has been done before [Nick Park], I really enjoy the animation in this. And the interviews are so funny.

Check out more on Julia Pott here at her website!


Glaser and Curtains

I can't believe the week is not over yet. I had three back to back classes today, and a migraine!

Anyways, I'll begin with Glaser.
I really enjoyed and appreciated Milton Glaser
Here is a great video short by Hillman Curtis, that shows much of his work and ideas.
But, I was so disappointed this summer when a friend showed me this from Design Observer.
It is very hard sometimes to not have many women superstar designers to look up to, so I totally see where this question came from.

Now, onto curtains.
I was facing a dilemma when it came to my kitchen/awkward living area in my apartment. I didn't like to spend time in that room and i knew it was in need of some color. So, I had the plan to buy one of those "Bedspreads" they sell at Urban Outfitters. Well, I would call it more a 90" by 100" piece of cotton with some cool design on it. Either way, I picked up one on sale for 10 dollars. I measured my windows and was able to make 2 panels out of the one piece I bought.
A semi-descent photo:

I dont know if this gives them complete justice, but I am really enjoying them.
And they match my yellow table.
Here's a close up of the print on them

Soon this will be my workspace too, so it is nice to have it be a bit more cheerful.

The fabric can be used for many projects and I think they usually have a lot of it on sale in the store since they have so many patterns and no one in their right mind would pay the full price of 32 dollars [Such a rip off!]


Old Poster

This is a poster from sophomore year. I'll revisit it soon to do some refinement.

The building is the Seattle Central Library.

There it is in real life. Such an amazing piece of architecture I recommend reading more about it. Heres a link from an article in The Seattle Times.



Well, I have decided to dive back into the world of online journaling.
Yet this will be a different experience for me.
I'll be using this journal to post current design projects, process work, photographs, crafts, and any outside inspirational work.